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The TERRATEC S23 and S24 EPBM TBM are 6.61M in diameter and include state-of-the-art features such as the 900kw VFD electric driven CutterHead. They have a versatile design for either excavating soft ground with cutting tools or mixed ground and rock using up to 33 number 17" roller disc cutters. Both TBMs have active type articulation and 2-component grout backfilling systems.

Sapphire Infracare Llp is a leading Manufacturer of TBM from Delhi, India.

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Sapphire Infracare Llp
Delhi, Delhi
15, Unit V8, 4th Floor, Pratap Nagar, Mayur Vihar Ph-1, East Delhi,

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The TERRATEC S23 and S24 EPBM TBM are 6.61M in diameter and include state-of-the-art features such as the 900kw VFD electric driven CutterHead. They have a versatile design for either excavating soft ground with cutting tools or mixed ground and rock using up to 33 number 17" roller disc cutters. Both TBMs have active type articulation and 2-component grout backfilling systems.


The TERRATEC S23 and S24 EPBM TBM are 6.61M in diameter and include state-of-the-art features such as the 900kw VFD electric driven CutterHead. They have a versatile design for either excavating soft ground with cutting tools or mixed ground and rock using up to 33 number 17" roller disc cutters. Both TBMs have active type articulation and 2-component grout backfilling systems.

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To: Sapphire Infracare Llp

Seller Contact Details

Sapphire Infracare Llp

Sapphire Infracare Llp

15, Unit V8, 4th Floor, Pratap Nagar, Mayur Vihar Ph-1, East Delhi,

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