C Washer
C Washer
C Washer
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We are engaged in offering C Washer that is designed to help stabilize a machine and avoid vibration by tightening the space between the equipment and screw. We provide a range of this product that includes bolt size, inside and outside diameter, thickness, material used and coating. It can be also be used as a retention device

Jasmine Enterprises is a leading Manufacturer of C Washer from Chennai, India.

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Jasmine Enterprises
Chennai, Delhi
MAS Castle, Building No. 217, Plot No. 1 To 5, Block B-G1 Dhanakotti Raja Street, Ekkattuthangal Dhanakotti Raja Street, Ekkattuthangal, Gandhi Nagar,

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We are engaged in offering C Washer that is designed to help stabilize a machine and avoid vibration by tightening the space between the equipment and screw. We provide a range of this product that includes bolt size, inside and outside diameter, thickness, material used and coating. It can be also be used as a retention device

C Washer

We are engaged in offering C Washer that is designed to help stabilize a machine and avoid vibration by tightening the space between the equipment and screw. We provide a range of this product that includes bolt size, inside and outside diameter, thickness, material used and coating. It can be also be used as a retention device

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To: Jasmine Enterprises

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Jasmine Enterprises

Jasmine Enterprises

MAS Castle, Building No. 217, Plot No. 1 To 5, Block B-G1 Dhanakotti Raja Street, Ekkattuthangal Dhanakotti Raja Street, Ekkattuthangal, Gandhi Nagar,

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