Established in the year , we, “Max Induction Furnace” are one of the most trusted distributors, wholesalers and exporters engaged in offering a wide range of Black Heat Compensating Nut Bolt, Material Grade: EN 19, Size: 1 QC, 2 QC, Hot Carbon Steel Ladle Dummy Bar Bolt CCM, Packaging Size: 175 Mm, Grade Standard: Ms En18, Q.R.C Hydraulic Quick Release Coupling etc.MAX Cast Iron Plug etc.M.S Oxygen Lancing Pipe etc.Steel Temperature Gauge for Industrial etc.1qc Withdrawal Seal Kit etc.Electroplated FRP Washers etc. Our range is procured after proper analysis under the strict supervision of experts.
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B/111, Sumel 8 Ajitmil Cross Road, Rakhil,, Ahmedabad - 380023,
Gujarat, India.
Max Induction Furnace (Owner)