Quick Sense Innovations Verified

in Faridabad, India

Quick Sense Innovations

Quicksense was born in the year (2017) with the aim of increasing the living standards of our customers. We as a leading technology company do a thorough research and then launch a product that could bring ease and comfort to the lives of people. We believe that with the growing technology, it’s important for people to keep pace with it and therefore, our team constantly thrives to blend technology with creativity to produce high-quality products that could assure maximum value to our customers. Our Products include PIR sensor, day-night sensor, float switch, gas detector, IR sensor, microwave sensor, sensor alarm, smoke detector, temperature controller and timer switch to name a few.

Basic Information

Nature of Business Manufacturer/ OEM,
Rishabh bansal Rishabh bansal
Registered Address 165A, Ground floor, Ward no 5, bassa para, Olf faridabad, Faridabad - 121002, Haryana, India.
Total Number of Employees 10
Year of Establishment 2017
Annual Turnover 2,50,000 to 10,00,000 INR

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Quick Sense Innovations

165A, Ground floor, Ward no 5, bassa para, Olf faridabad, Faridabad - 121002,
Haryana, India.

Rishabh bansal (Rishabh bansal)

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